3. Audit trail
For every Fact Storage Table you create, you also get an audit trail that shows what inputs have been done. You find this when connecting to your database and it is named the same as the fact table but ends with "_audit"
The Audit Trail is a mirroring view of the inputs in your storage table, showing not only the latest inputs as in your original view, but shows all inputs. Through the audit trail, it is possible to follow all entries, to identify if a specific CommitID should be deleted, or to follow who has done changes and when.

In the training material, you can find a map called Solutions. In this map, you find .pbix-files that includes the solutions for each exercise. If you open the file 3. Audit Trail, you can find a predefined page with a normal Power BI table that shows data from the audit trail. If you would rather experiment with it yourself, you can create a new page in your training materal and set up a Power BI table including the information from FactPlanOPEX_audit.