4. Data Input Table
The Aimplan Data Input Table aims to make it possible for end-users to quickly edit different kinds of master data in Aimplan storage tables. In this exercise, we will set up a Data Input Table that we will later use to lock actions based on roles in the Status visual.
If you have not already done so, you need to download the Aimplan Data Input Table visual to your report through AppSource.
When you have downloaded it, you can create a new report page and name it 3. Data Input Table and add the visual to your report page.
To start working with your visual, the first thing you need to do is add your CurrentUserKey-measure to the Aimplan User Key field.
By clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner and choosing Edit, you enter Edit mode. First, you need to generate an Access Token from the portal (see active Token for Training here: https://docs.aimplan.com/aimplan-training) or use your Microsoft Entra ID to identify yourself and choose the instance you want to work with, in this case Aimplan Training. When you have chosen your instance, you also need to choose which table you want the Data Input Table Visual to mirror and edit, in this case, the table is called ManageRoles.
When you have entered the Token or used you Microsoft Entra ID and chosen your instance and table, you will see all the fields that table consists of on the left side.
Here, you can alter each field separately. For example, you can choose if a table should be displayed in the visual or not, and if you add dimensional values from your model, you can add dynamic dropdown fields that enables you to show one value but store another, for example show costcenter but store costcenterkey. With this function, the user can choose values from a list that consists of the values from a dimension table rather than entering them manually, which minimizes the risk of input errors.
Now that you have your table, hide all system fields, that is RowID, CreatedByUserID, CreatedAt, UpdatedByUserID and UpdatedAt. Next, add dynamic dropdown fields to all other fields from their respective dimension table.
Your visual should look something like this now:
Notice that there is a field in the visual named Filters. In the Aimplan Data Input Table you can always filter directly in the visual by clicking on the filter on each column wich is the quickest and easiest way to filter the data input table. However, there are some scenarios where you would need to filter based on a slicer instead, for example when working with RLS. You can read more about that here.
To do this, we need to duplicate the dimension table that you want to add a slicer for and you need to create a measure that generates a comma separated string with all chosen values. This is necessary as you need the value to appear on all rows in the table for the slicer to work properly.
This is already prepared in the training material. What you need to do is to start by adding a slicer with the value CostCenter from the table FilterDimCostCenter. In this table, you'll notice that there is a measure named SelectedCostCenterKey. To display what this consists of, you can make a table or a KPI-visual just to see what happens when you select values in your slicer. What should happen is that you will get a comma separated string containing the costcenter keys that you have filtered out.
This measure, SelectedCostCenter, needs to be added to the Filter field in the visual. There, you have to rename it so that it has the same name as that field in the table, that is to CostCenterKey.
You can now filter out rows in your table based on your slicer, and add and/or edit rows in the table. Test it out!