Value Settings
When configuring the Aimplan Planning & Reporting visual, you will add some field which is the value to be displayed in each cell. There are many ways to customize this value and this document aims to guide you through what each option does.
When writing data, a measure-key must be provided. There are two ways of defining to which measure-key the data should be written. In most cases, you specify the target measure by setting the "Default Measure". In the below screenshot, we have selected KPI1 in the visual, and we want that to be saved to the target KPI1 measure defined in the Aimplan Portal.
The second alternative, and this is only applicable if you want to use the Aimplan visual and have measures on rows, you can instead add the measure-key from the Aimplan measure-dimension as a key-field to the visual. Thereafter you define that you want to show the measure names on the rows in the visual like this.
If you need measures on rows, you need to; a) have the Aimplan measure dimension in your Power BI data model connected to your fact-planning table
b) in the visual, use the "Value" field from the fact-planning table as measure
c) set this value to "None" and provide the MeasureKey through a field in the Key Fields bucket instead.
It is possible to lock a cell from being edited. This is useful when you want to prevent users from editing certain cells. This option allows you to specify a field which will be used to determine if a cell is locked or not.
The field used should return a boolean value. If the value is true, the cell will be locked. If the value is false, the cell will be editable.
For more details, see Preventing Editing of a Certain Value Using a DAX Measure.
When writing data, it is possible to allocate the value to multiple rows. This option allows you to specify which weight fields are allowed to be used when allocating data.
For more details, see Allocate Based on Other Value.
When writing data, it is possible to suggest values to the user. This option allows you to specify which fields are used to suggest values.
For more details, see Enable suggestions from another value.
Comments can be added to each cell. When using comments, you must specify which field comments should be read from. Comments will always be written to the "ValueComment" field of the model.
When displaying data, it is possible to specify a fixed width for each column. This option allows you to specify which field is used to determine the width of each column.
The width is expressed in pixels.
When displaying very large numbers, it is possible to scale the number to a more readable format. This option allows you to specify which field is used to determine the scale of each number.
This scale will also be used when writing values.
When displaying data, it is possible to invert the number. This option allows you to specify which field is used to determine if the number should be inverted or not.
The visual supports multiple floating-point formats. This option allows you to specify which field is used to determine the floating-point format. The following formats are supported:
The visual will automatically determine the floating-point format.
The visual will display the number with a fixed number of decimal places.
The visual will display the number with a fixed number of significant digits. This option allows you to specify minimum and maximum number of significant digits.
The visual supports multiple number styles. This option allows you to specify which field is used to determine the number style. The following styles are supported:
- Decimal
- Currency
- Percent
- Unit
The visual supports multiple number notations. This option allows you to specify which field is used to determine the number notation. The following notations are supported:
- Standard - The number will be displayed as a standard number.
- Compact - Expresses the number in a more compact format. For example, 1,000,000 will be expressed as 1M.