Status Visual
Setting up the Status Visual

Set up Processes and Sub-Processes


Once you have created a storage table with the key fields you need for your Status Visual, it is time to set up your Processes and Sub-Processes in the Portal. You can read more in debt about these steps here.

To create your Process, navigate to the Process tab in the portal. To create a new process, click on Create New and type in the name of your process.

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This is also the view where your you set up your statuses, by clicking on Define Statuses and clicking Add, or Edit if you have existing statuses you want to alter.

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Clicking on a process name in the Process view will take you to the sub-process page. In the example above, we are working with the process Budget as our main process. This process consists of the three subprocesses Revenue Planning, OPEX exkl Personnel Planning and Headcount and Salary Planning which you add by clicking Add, alternatively Edit if you already have sub-processes you want to alter. Type in the name of the sub-process and which storage table it should write to.

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By clicking Process Statuses, you choose which statuses that you want to include in this process by checking the box of each status you want to include. Note that you can alter the name of the status in the visual!

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Your set up in the Administrator Portal is now done and you are ready to move on to your Power BI model!