Planning and Reporting Visual

Filtering values in sections


One of the key features of the Aimplan Planning & Reporting visual is the ability to display content in different sections. To achieve this, the visual must be provided with a filter that tells it which content goes where. In the following example, we're going to build a P&L-statement where the revenue accounts are shown first.

Let's consider a report with the following structure:

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Here are all the accounts shown after each other in a hierarchy. We want to apply specific formatting to the revenue accounts, so they are more apparent. To do this, we will move them to their own section and apply the formatting there.

We'll start by opening Edit Mode and duplicating the row-section that contains our accounts.

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We'll add descriptive names to the sections to make them easy to keep apart; in this example we use Revenues and Costs. To make the sections display different values we'll click on View/Edit Filters and add a filter.

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In this case, the filter we want to use is simple; Only show accounts that belong to the group Revenues. To add it, we'll follow these steps:

  1. Click on Add Filter
  2. Click on the first word in the filter. This is the field that is being filtered.
  3. Change the field to one that contains our account-groups.
  4. The default filter operator is is one of, which will suit our needs so we don't need to change it.
  5. By clicking on the gray box after is one of, you'll see the values of your chosen column and can pick what values to filter for.
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We'll then repeat these steps for "Costs", but with the other group in the filter. Now we can finally apply whichever format we'd like.

For illustrative purposes, the example above utilised filters based on display values. Always use IDs when creating filters; this will prevent the report from breaking if your display-values change.

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Filter operators

Here is a summary table of the different filter-operators that exist:


Short name (Used in advanced editor)

is equal to


is greater than


is less than


is greater or equal to


is less or equal to


starts with


matches regular expression


ends with




does not contain


does not equal


is one of


is not one of


All operators are case sensitive.

Operators also use JavaScript comparisons which are not culture sensitive. This might mean that "Creme Brûlée" goes before "Crème Anglaise", simply because it has a diacritic.