Data Input Table
Edit Settings

Field settings


In the field list showed to the left in the settings, you can click on a field to enter properties for this field.

Document image

Field Name This is the field name in the database and cannot be changed. If you are clicking on a Semantic Column the field name is formatted as Project[ProjectKey].

When referring to Semantic Value it’s the name in between square brackets ProjectKey in the example above, that should be used. That is when you for example create a filter measure, and the measure should habe the same name as the Semantic value or when a field in the Storage Table should match a Semantic value field.

Display Name This is the text that will appear in the column header

Control Type Depending on the data type of the field, the field will automatically select a valid control type for the field. The options can be (Data types in the database in parentheses):

  • Numeric (TinyInt, Int, BigInt, Float, Decimal)
  • TextBox (Nvarchar, Varchar)
  • DatePicker (DateTime2, DateTimeOffset)
  • CheckBox (Bit)

When the TextBox or Numeric control type is visible, you can also chose to have a drop down control in the field. See Dropdown Control Type how to setup drop downs.

Numeric control

This control has extra properties where you can format the number.

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Floating Point Format Here you can chose how the floating point should be formatted. The following formats are supported:

Auto - The visual will automatically determine the floating-point format.

Decimal Places - The visual will display the number with a fixed number of decimal places.

Significant digits - The visual will display the number with a fixed number of significant digits. This option allows you to specify minimum and maximum number of significant digits.

Thousands Separator If enabled, the thousands separator fetched from you culture, is inserted on every thousands.

Style The visual supports multiple number styles. This option allows you to specify which field is used to determine the number style. The following styles are supported:

  • Decimal
  • Currency
  • Percent
  • Unit

Notation The visual supports multiple number notations. This option allows you to specify which field is used to determine the number notation. The following notations are supported:

  • Standard - The number will be displayed as a standard number.
  • Compact - Expresses the number in a more compact format. For example, 1,000,000 will be expressed as 1M.

Read more about the Editing Options and Column Styling

Updated 19 Dec 2024
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