Data Input Table

Edit Settings


Visual Setting is showed when you click on the three dots in the upper right corner and choose Edit, see Adding the visual to a report.

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The left tab will show you a list of the fields the chosen Storage Table have. On the top left you have a button "Visuall Settings" that will take you to general settings for the visual and by clicking on a field, it will get you to settings for that perticulary field. To the right you have a preview area of the grid.

Reorder fields

By grabbing a field you can move it up and down in the list. The order of the fields will be vizualized in the grid.

Field Buttons

On each field you'll have an icon and two buttons.

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The "Key"-icon illustrates that the field is part of the primary key in the table and is only for informational purposes. The "Pen"-button is used to quickly toggle if the column should be editable or not and the “Eye”-button is used to toggle if the column should be visible or not. Some system fields as primary keys and audit fields cannot be edited and therefor the button is disabled. When hiding a column, the column will automatically be moved to the bottom.


When clicking on the Preview button, the grid is showed to the right.

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Every change you do in the properties will immediately reflects in the preview window.

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The grid is fully functional so you can Add/Remove/Delete/Update and Save values in the preview window.

Resizing columns If you resizing the column widths in the preview window, the widht will automatically be stored in the setting.